For a podcast audience, Dr. Sunil Abraham shared pearls for evaluating what setting best fits you and your lifestyle, and what a career in community practice means.
Benjamin Widener, MD, FACP, has found a niche in community practice rheumatology in his hometown in Wyoming. As the lone rheumatologist serving the community, he has the opportunity to develop lasting therapeutic relationships.
Community practice rheumatology may be a less-followed path within the specialty, and it brings with it certain challenges. However, it also offers rewards, such as autonomy and deep relationships with patients. The Rheumatologist recently interviewed three community practice rheumatologists from around the U.S. to find out about their approaches to patient management, staffing and other…
Rheumatologists in community practices don’t have to abandon their research interests. The Rheumatologist recently interviewed three community practice rheumatologists from around the U.S. to find out their approaches to patient management, staffing and other areas of the practice. Here, they discuss their approach to incorporating research into their practice. At New England Rheumatology & Osteoporosis,…
The new council, comprising professionals from small or independent rheumatology practices, will work with the ACR and its committees on issues that confront members in small practices.
As rheumatology fellows approach the end of what for many is 25th grade, it’s time to focus on what you want to do for the rest of your life. For most rheumatology fellows it will be some form of clinical practice, although enormous opportunities exist throughout the medical field for you to apply your talents….
Community rheumatology practices are confronting a significant financial fallout from stay-at-home orders and fears that keep patients at home, as well as reimbursement challenges.