NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—More than half of those infected by the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus will go on to experience chronic articular pain or arthritis, according to Brazilian researchers. Chikungunya—meaning “to become contorted” in the Makonde language—was first described during an outbreak in Africa in the 1950s. Many outbreaks have since occurred in Africa, Asia and…
Chikungunya Arthritis
In this review, the authors address the key pathophysiologic mechanisms that drive acute and chronic chikungunya arthritis, arguably the most incapacitating sequela among long-lasting chikungunya virus disease manifestations, based on recent animal experimental disease models and epidemiologic studies. They explore the latest findings in therapeutic development aimed at limiting viral spread and at immune and…

Interdisciplinary Collaboration at Wash U Advances Understanding of Immunology, Rheumatology
In June 2014, 10 members of a church group returned to St. Louis from Haiti, where they had contracted chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus previously unknown in the Western hemisphere that produces inflammatory arthritis symptoms. Because CHIKV-related arthritis mimics seronegative RA, a group of clinicians, immunologists, virologists and geneticists at the Washington University in…