Take the challenge. B—Most employer insurance plans change on Jan. 1. Because of this, it is a best practice for medical office staff to ask if there is any change to a patient’s medical coverage. Even if the patient indicates there are no changes in coverage, staff should still request to review their insurance card….
Rheumatology Coding Corner Questions: Eligibility Quiz
An established patient is seen in the office for a scheduled visit with the rheumatologist at the start of the new year. What should the front desk staff do for all patients at the beginning of each year? Inform the patient that their co-pay is due prior to receiving treatment, and ask how they would…
The ACR Insurance Subcommittee Advocates for Fair Payer Policies
The ACR is committed to advocating for appropriate coverage and payment policies. The volunteer members of the Insurance Subcommittee (ISC) lead this effort by representing the ACR and its membership to the insurance industry. The ISC engages payers to ensure their policies are clinically appropriate and promote patient access to high-quality care and treatment. The…
Medicare Drug Coverage Plans for Rheumatologic Medications
Different parts of Medicare cover different services. For outpatient prescription drugs, Medicare has two distinct programs with a maze of complex policies. Most physicians along with Medicare patients, retail pharmacies, Medicare drug plans as well as Medicare Advantage health plans continuously struggle with navigating Medicare drug coverage under Part B and Part D. There are…