Vaccines can help minimize certain diseases
Psoriatic Arthritis: From Leeds to the Limelight
Advances in understanding of the disease begin in the 1960s
Closer to a Cure
Over the last two years, the Within Our Reach: Finding a Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis campaign has granted almost $9 million to 30 researchers in the hopes of finding a cure for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These researchers are studying an array of issues, from innovative research into the genetics of RA to new treatments that will more effectively manage the disease. With the REF’s announcement of the third round of Within Our Reach grant recipients, patients with RA are closer to a cure.
Diagnosis: Myopathy
Presentation and evaluation of metabolic causes
A New perspective on when and how it begins
Patient Fact Sheet
The Heart-SCC Puzzle
Identifying and treating cardiac involvement in systemic sclerosis can be a challenge
Know Your Labs, Part 2
A review of testing for rheumatoid arthritis
Sense of Smell
Olfactory defects point to nervous system involvement in lupus
Lupus in the Child’s Mind
Unique neuropsychiatric problems require a unique approach