Consider a physical therapist for your patients if they have difficulty adapting to a new disability, impaired range of motion or strength, a significant balance or gait disturbance, a history of falls, or mobility issues
Pain Perspective in Scleroderma
Systemic sclerosis (SSc; scleroderma) is a disease in which inflammatory and fibrotic changes result in overproduction and accumulation of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins, resulting in intimal vascular damage, fibrosis, and occasionally organ dysfunction affecting the gastrointestinal, lung, heart, and renal systems. There are two classifications of SSc—limited cutaneous or CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud’s, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangectasias) syndrome, where skin thickening occurs mainly in the distal extremities and facial/neck areas and internal organ involvement, if present, occurs later in the disease process; and diffuse cutaneous disease where there is a more rapid progression of skin thickening from distal to proximal and organ involvement can be severe and occur early in the disease. As noted by various authors, there is no “crystal ball” into which one can look to see the outcome of the disease, and involvement varies significantly from one person to the next.
Couples Coping with Chronic Pain
Spouses provide help to their partners, but also need help themselves
Reading Rheum
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Exercises to Improve Outcomes in Knee Osteroarthritis
An exercise program can improve functionality and quality of life
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