Effective July 5, discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age and disability by healthcare programs receiving federal assistance is once again prohibited. The application of Section 1557 to all HHS health programs and activities and state and federally facilitated exchanges, which had been weakened by the Trump administration, has been reinstated.

The Biases We Don’t Know We Hold
Implicit bias can affect patient care at the physician level when they’re making treatment decisions and at the healthcare organization level when they’re choosing new hires. Here are insights into strategies rheumatologists can use to become aware of, and question, their implicit biases.

How to Welcome and Care for Gender-Diverse Patients
PHILADELPHIA—Acknowledging the complexities of medical care for transgender (trans) and nonbinary or gender-diverse patients and emphasizing the urgency of doing it right, two experts offered guideposts to clinicians in an ACR Convergence 2022 session titled Dignity and Respect: How to Welcome and Care for Gender Diverse Patients in Your Practice, with advice on providing clinical…
The Glass Ceiling in Academic Rheumatology
Gender plays a role in career advancement among academic rheumatologists in the U.S., according to a new study by Jorge et al.
Rheum and Race: Where Are We?
It is time to examine the role of race in the care we provide