After significant pushback from the AMA, ACR and other medical societies, Cigna has delayed implementation of changes to its modifier 25 reimbursement policy, originally scheduled to take effect May 25.

How to Document the Physical Exam
The adage frequently cited in healthcare settings, “If it isn’t documented, it wasn’t done,” still rings true for the key components required in a patient’s medical record. The note in the medical record must sufficiently describe all of the services furnished to patients on a specific date. The essential requirements to appropriately bill a claim…
How to Avoid Insurance Denials for Prescribing a Biologic Without MTX in Concert
The Insurance Subcommittee (ISC) of the ACR’s Committee on Rheumatologic Care (CORC) has recently received a number of reports from members regarding denials for biologics for patients not on methotrexate. To help avoid an often-lengthy appeals process, the ACR/ARHP recommends that members document a patient’s history of methotrexate intolerance or contraindication at every visit. What…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Answers: 2017 End-of-Year Quiz
Take the challenge. 1. B—No. CPT 99358, prolonged evaluation and management service can be billed before or after direct patient care, first hour or 99539 —each additional 30 minutes (list separately in addition to code for prolonged service). This code cannot be used to bill a higher level E/M visit code. According to 2017 CPT:…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Questions: 2017 End-of-Year Quiz
1. A 68-year-old new female patient has an appointment to see the rheumatologist in four days. The patient has her medical records sent over from her primary care physician, neurologist and endocrinologist for the rheumatologist to review prior to the visit. Upon receipt, the rheumatologist spends 55 minutes reviewing the records and making notes. Can…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Question: Established Patient Office Visit with Acute Gout
A 66-year-old female patient returns to the office complaining of swelling and a burning pain in her right first toe. She rates the pain level at a 9 out of 10. She currently takes an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), but it has done little to alleviate the pain. This is her second episode this…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Answer: Established Patient Office Visit with Acute Gout
Take the challenge. CPT: 99214-25, 89060, 20600-RT ICD-10: M10.271, T50.2X5A, I10 This is an established outpatient visit. This encounter is coded as 99213, because it included: History—Detailed: The history of present illness is extended, the review of systems is extended, and the past medical and social histories are documented. Examination—Detailed: Seven organ systems are examined….

How to Document a Patient’s Medical History
The levels of service within an evaluation and management (E/M) visit are based on the documentation of key components, which include history, physical examination and medical decision making. The history component is comparable to telling a story and should include a beginning and some form of development to adequately describe the patient’s presenting problem. To…

Undercoding Is Not an Audit-Proof Strategy in Medical Documentation
Overcoding is a common term used when discussing fraud and abuse in reporting procedures and services not supported by the actual work performed. Alternatively, undercoding—or failing to report the full extent of services or procedures provided—is an equally unsound practice and a compliance risk. In the world of quality reporting, undercoding can have damaging effects…
Rheumatology Coding Question: Deconstructing Evaluation and Management Codes
A 50-year-old male patient returns to the office for a follow-up visit for a diagnosis of generalized primary osteoarthritis of multiple sites. The patient tells the medical assistant that he is experiencing sharp throbbing pain in his left hip and right and left knees. He states the pain level is 6 out of 10 and…