Foot osteoarthritis (OA) of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint is thought to have biomechanical factors, but its treatments have not been comprehensively tested in clinical trials. In the first study to explore the efficacy of mechanical interventions, researchers compared the effectiveness of foot orthoses and rocker-sole footwear in reducing pain. Both interventions were effective, but the foot orthoses group wore the intervention for significantly more hours than the footwear group…
Cianna Leatherwood, MD, & Derrick J. Todd, MD, PhD |
Editor’s note: In this recurring feature, we first present a series of images (this page) for your review, and then a brief discussion of the findings and diagnosis. Before you turn to the discussion, examine these images carefully and draw your own conclusions. History A 49-year-old woman presents with one year of chronic left ankle…
Cianna Leatherwood, MD, & Derrick J. Todd, MD, PhD |
Radiographic imaging showed circumferential soft tissue swelling of the ankle with a soft-tissue density seen in the tibiotalar and posterior subtalar joints, as well as a large, lobulated effusion. MRI of the left ankle shows cystic changes within the talus and first cuneiform bones, as well as a lobulated abnormal soft tissue density with low…
Cianna Leatherwood, MD, & Derrick J. Todd, MD, PhD |
View the question. Findings/Diagnosis An anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the right foot shows hallux valgus of the first metatarsal phalangeal (MTP) joint, erosive changes at the first and fifth metatarsal bones and degenerative changes at the fourth and fifth metatarsal-cuboid joints. An AP radiograph of the left foot shows extensive erosive and degenerative changes at…
Cianna Leatherwood, MD, & Derrick J. Todd, MD, PhD |
Editor’s note: In this recurring feature, we first present a series of images (this page) for your review, and then a brief discussion of the findings and diagnosis. Before you turn to the discussion, examine these images carefully and draw your own conclusions. History A 33-year-old woman with a 16-year history of systemic lupus erythematosus…