Experts from across the nation describe the best clinical approaches to rheumatologic disease management.
Gout – Rheumatology’s Royal Pain
Gout is a common rheumatic disease often characterized by swelling, redness, and intense pain in the big toe. Once thought to be an exclusive disease of the wealthy who overindulged in food and spirits, gout has become a royal pain for millions of Americans.
Patient Fact Sheet – Gout
Gout is a painful and potentially disabling form of arthritis that has been recognized since ancient times. Treatments are available to control most cases of gout, but diagnosing this disorder can be difficult, and treatment plans often have to be tailored for each person.
Information on New Drug Approvals and Medication Safety
Rheumatology-related drug safety, approvals, and what’s in the pipeline.
Coding Corner: February’s Coding Challenge
A 62-year-old male patient returns to the office for a followup visit for his gout.
Coding Corner Answer: February’s Coding Challenge
A 62-year-old male patient returns to the office for a followup visit for his gout.
Prevalence of Gout and Hyperuricemia Increase in U.S.
Causes include sedentary lifestyle, an increased frequency of obesity and hypertension, diuretic use, and alcohol intake
Russians Mourn Iconic Rheumatologist
Valentina A. Nasonova, MD, was Renaissance figure in Russian rheumatology
Letter to the Editor
Feedback from our Readers
Aggressive Urate Lowering Needed for Gout
Patients with gout at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and adverse event