Feedback from our Readers

Aggressive Urate Lowering Needed for Gout
Patients with gout at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and adverse event
Colcrys Approval Triggers Questions
Some rheumatologists question the depth of research and the approval’s implications for patient access
The Law of Unintended Consequences Rears Its Head
A program to improve drug safety has increased drug prices for patients with gout and FMF
ALERT: 2010 ICD-9-CM/CPT Code Changes
As of January 1, physicians can no longer bill the inpatient/outpatient consultation evaluation and management (E/M) codes for Medicare patients. E/M codes for new or established patients should be used as appropriate.
ALERT: 2010 ICD-9-CM/CPT Code Changes
As of January 1, physicians can no longer bill the inpatient/outpatient consultation evaluation and management (E/M) codes for Medicare patients. E/M codes for new or established patients should be used as appropriate.
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
Doctor or Accountant?
Complex coding and reimbursement rules can detract from patient care
Patient Fact Sheet
2008 REF Gout Print to Be Chosen by Ignacio Garcia-De La Torre, MD
While attending the ACR Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, ACR member Ignacio Garcia-De La Torre, MD, visited the ACR Research and Education booth to purchase the latest Rodnan commemorative gout print, A Fisher-King.