A 2021 study demonstrated the prevalence of COVID-19 breakthrough infections in vaccinated healthcare workers, underlining the need for booster shots for this at-risk population.
Educational opportunities for health professionals are expanding. At this year’s Annual Meeting, don’t miss a historic joint session from the ARHP and the Canada-based Arthritis Health Professions Association about the advances in and effects of these educational opportunities on rheumatology…
Editor’s note: The new Pillar Talk column is developed by the ARHP Executive Committee in an effort to share information about ongoing activities related to our four pillars: Education, Practice, Research and Advocacy. ARHP volunteers are actively involved in the ACR’s efforts to advocate for the care of our patients and the rheumatology professionals who…
This year the ARHP Clinical Focus Course brings together experts in the field to provide an interprofessional approach to the management of systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) to improve patient outcomes. The daylong course, titled Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Taming the Wolf—Salient Lessons from Practice and Research, which is offered on Nov. 4, will provide a case-based…
Rheumatology is at a critical juncture in our history. To advance into the future, the ACR must thoroughly prepare for changing political landscapes, emerging technologies and workforce challenges. On May 12, the ACR Board of Directors met in Washington, D.C., to approve our ambitious new Strategic Plan for 2017–2022. This plan encompasses five strategic themes…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Even doctors and nurses don’t always follow the healthy lifestyle choices they recommend for patients to reduce the risk of medical problems, such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, a U.S. study suggests. Although rates of these conditions appeared lower among healthcare workers than other people, the diseases were still common. They…
The 2010 ARHP Member-Get-a-Member Campaign is in full swing and will end on Wednesday, August 25. Now is the time for ARHP and ACR members to recruit rheumatology health professionals, enjoy some friendly competition, and aim to win a $500 airline gift certificate.
What is the pain puzzle? “It is a bio-psycho social model of pain that is accepted in the field of rheumatology,” according to Michael Rapoff, PhD, professor of pediatrics at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City and the highlighted speaker for the ARHP audioconference on April 17.