In an age of new medications for eye disease, rheumatologists and ophthalmologists must work together and communicate, says James Rosenbaum, MD. Teamwork and understanding how each specialty approaches the physical exam will aid patient care…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Intraocular vancomycin may lead to potentially blinding hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis (HORV), a new study suggests. “The importance of this study was to present in a number of patients overwhelming evidence that rarely, intraocular vancomycin is associated with sight-threatening retinal vascular occlusion,” says lead author Dr. Andre J. Witkin of Tufts Medical…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Adalimumab reduces the risk of uveitic flare after corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with inactive, noninfectious uveitis, according to results from VISUAL II. “Tumor-necrosis factor (TNF) inhibition, which has been demonstrated to have strong efficacy in rheumatologic disorders, can also have significant role in the management of noninfectious uveitis, even amidst the challenges…
Researchers suspect the C-type lectin receptor (CLR) mincle may play a role in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis. A new study linked CLR mincle to Card9-signaling events and IL-1, resulting in inflammation…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Commensal microbes in the gut can activate retina-specific T cells that go on to cause autoimmune uveitis in a mouse model, researchers report. “These findings allow us to understand the biological basis for the disease,” lead author of the study, Dr. Rachel Caspi from National Eye Institute at the NIH in Bethesda,…