The FDA’s latest label change for voclosporin adds data demonstrating its safety and efficacy, as well as a sustained renal response, in patients with lupus nephritis through three years of treatment.
A recent study established the equivalency of BI 695501, a biosimilar, to its reference product, adalimumab, for treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—What the Food and Drug Administration calls a ‘breakthrough’ drug is often not the same as what a layperson would call a breakthrough, a new study shows. The FDA uses the term more often, and for smaller advances, than people use it colloquially, and this may lead patients to have unwarranted confidence…
Comparing tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide, tacrolimus was the most efficacious. Also, biosimilars may soon be easier to differentiate…