A breakdown of the political makeup of Congress as the ACR, RheumPAC gear up to meet, educate newly elected lawmakers
Rheumatologist Lars Klareskog, MD, PhD, In the Spotlight
A career marked by scientific discovery, collaboration
ACR Volunteers Attend Leadership Development Conference
Last month, volunteers from the ACR, ARHP, and REF met in Atlanta for the Annual Leadership Development Conference. This year’s conference focused on media relations and social media in a healthcare environment. The goal of this year’s conference was to educate the volunteers on how to successfully use the different types of media outreach. The topics were timely, what with the launch of the ACR’s first public relations campaign, Simple Tasks, and a successful social media session held at the 2011 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting.
Welcome New ACR and ARHP Leaders
The ACR is pleased to welcome the newest members of the ACR board of directors and ARHP executive committee. These new members were confirmed in November during the 2011 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting. Over the next two issues of “From the College,” you will be introduced to these new members and learn what they want to gain from their experience as new board and executive committee members.
John Sergent, MD, Combines Charismatic Leadership and Patient-centered Care
John Sergent, MD, combines charismatic leadership and patient-centered care
ARHP Leadership Opportunities
The ARHP is the premier professional organization for rheumatology health professionals primarily because of the talent and energy of its volunteers.
Use Communication Style Clues to Manage Your Employees
Over the last two months, “From the College” provided insight on the Five Rs of physician leadership: recruitment, realization, recognition, redirection, and retention. The Five Rs give great guidance in managing the leadership process, yet they will be far less effective if you lack the ability—or willingness—to successfully communicate with your employees.
A New Breed of Practice
As small practice physicians are forced to combat increasing overhead and shriveling reimbursement, we seem to be entering an era of medical practice Darwinism—survival of those that are most fit to operate in today’s severe and unforgiving healthcare environment.
The Physician Leader and Management
A leader is only as good as his or her team, and a team is only as good as its leader.
Physician Leaders and the Business of Medicine
In a perfect world, in their work, all people would do what they do best—and only what they do best. Dancers would dance, singers would sing, and physicians and healthcare professionals would spend their time treating patients, teaching, and advancing the science of their profession.