The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), which develops concepts for healthcare payment and service delivery, must be transparent and engaged with all stakeholders as it tests new models, according to a coalition of 30 associations. On Feb. 10, the Healthcare Leaders for Accountable Innovation in Medicare Coalition, which includes the ACR, released six…
RISE Is Ready for MIPS
Implementation of the Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) began Jan. 1. What does this mean for rheumatologists? It means you must pick the measures by which you will be evaluated and the pace at which you will begin reporting in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System or participating in an Advanced Alternative…

Tips for Rheumatologists to Master Quality Measurement in Clinical Practice
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In 2017, rheumatologists will begin to track and report quality data for reimbursement under the the Medicare and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). Panelists shared their tips on how to score more points under MACRA and utilize existing technology at a Nov. 14 session called Implementing Quality Measurement in Your Clinical Practice at…
Top ACR Priorities in 2017 Include Drug Costs, MACRA
With a new federal administration and Republican-controlled Congress taking the helm in 2017, the ACR Government Affairs Committee has identified top legislative and regulatory priorities for the year. “The main priority is going to be helping represent the rheumatology community as Medicare is reformed, because the era of MACRA started Jan. 1,” says Angus Worthing,…

MACRA: More Points, Smarter Future
As the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) is implemented in January with new models for quality-based reimbursement payments, rheumatologists must seize control of how they will be paid now—and in the future. This message was stressed by speakers during Holy MACRA! How to Survive and Thrive in the Era of MACRA,…

Brave New MACRA World
Sweeping changes in how physicians are paid for patient care are on the way. The Medicare Access and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2015, or MACRA, tossed out the Sustainable Growth Rate formula and ties reimbursement to quality measures. A Helpful Presentation Because 2017 is the first performance year under the new…
Prepare Now—Not Later—to Meet New Medicare Reimbursement Requirements
Providers are urged to prepare quickly to meet the new Medicare reimbursement requirements mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). “The first measurement year starts Jan. 1, 2017, so providers need to prepare quickly,” emphasizes William F. Harvey, MD, MSc, Government Affairs Committee chair, American College of Rheumatology (ACR). 2…

2016 ACR/ARHP Pre-Meeting Educational Workshops to Cover MACRA, Merit-Based Incentive and Alternative Payment Models
Looking for a reason to attend the 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, which will be held Nov. 11–16 in Washington, D.C.? This monumental meeting will offer a variety of sessions on MACRA/MIPS/APMs, Medicare Value-Based Payment Reform programs, auditing, compliance and coding. Particularly, the pre-meeting workshops will provide you with the unique opportunity to dive deep into…

Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness (RISE) Registry Can Help Rheumatologists Meet MACRA Requirements
The ACR has been at the forefront of helping rheumatologists meet practice demands, including federal reporting requirements. The first registry that helped meet these requirements was the Rheumatology Clinical Registry (RCR), and it facilitated quality reporting, but required manual entry of required data. More recently, ACR has contracted with FIGmd to create a tool that…
Prepare Now to Survive MACRA
The year 2015 brought an end to the much-maligned Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), sometimes known as the “doc fix.” The SGR established limits on Medicare reimbursement for physicians, and each year, physicians and those lobbying on their behalf were forced to stave off drastic cuts to their payments. “The SGR was Congress’s attempt to control…