The 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule, released Nov. 1, includes a conversion factor of $32.3465, a 2.83% drop from 2024. In response to advocacy efforts from the ACR and other medical societies, Congress recently introduced the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act of 2024, which would eliminate the 2.83% payment cut and provide an inflationary update for 2025 equal to 50% of the Medicare Economic Index.
ACR Comments on 2025 Physician Fee Schedule
The ACR’s response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services addresses the likely harm of the proposed conversion factor on the solvency and stability of rheumatology practices. The comments also include recommendations on complex drug administration coding, inflation-adjusted drug rebates and extending telehealth flexibilities.
Summary of Notable Provisions in CY 2025 Medicare PFS Proposed Rule
The ACR will provide comments on several provisions related to Medicare physician payment and the Quality Payment Program.
2024 Proposed Rule for the Quality Payment Program Released
See key changes for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System for the 2024 performance year as outlined in the proposed rule.
CMS Proposes Reimbursement Cuts for CY24
On July 13, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. This annual rule outlines policies related to provider reimbursement, coverage of telehealth services, review of specific codes, refinement of evaluation and management codes and updates to the Quality Payment Program.
The ACR Recommends Inflation-Based Medicare Payment Updates
In a letter to Congress, the ACR, AMA and other groups urge legislation that would provide annual inflation-based Medicare payment updates based on the full Medicare Economic Index.
Reform of Medicare Payment System Needed to Maintain Patient Care, ACR Says
In a joint letter, the ACR urges Congress to undergo comprehensive reform of the Medicare payment system and seek long-term payment solutions that will allow clinicians to continue to care for Medicare patients.

2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for Quality Payment Program Published
The ACR highlights essential policy and reporting changes to the Quality Payment Program for performance year 2023 and beyond. Key changes include policies regarding the development of new MIPS Value Pathways and refinement of subgroup participation.

ACR Provides Preliminary Analysis of CY23 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
On Nov. 1, the CMS finalized the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for 2023. The rule finalizes many policies, significantly: a 4.5% decrease in the conversion factor, a delay in split/shared implementation, continued refinement of evaluation and management coding and documentation, and telehealth flexibilities that will remain in place through 2023. Thanks to ACR advocacy, the CMS reinstated five-minute pre- and post-service times for musculoskeletal ultrasound codes.
2023 Proposed Rule for the Quality Payment Program Released
The ACR RISE Registry staff highlights need-to-know information and key changes for the 2023 performance year as outlined in the proposed rule released July 7.