LONDON (Reuters)—Scientists exploring what may trigger chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have found clues in the way some people’s immune systems respond to interferon alpha.1 The researchers used the drug to create a model of the disease in people without CFS but with hepatitis C. Many patients who receive interferon alpha experience extreme fatigue during treatment,…

Distinct DNA Methylation Patterns Associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
New research explores the genome-wide epigenetic changes associated with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The results suggest distinct patterns in DNA methylation may become a useful diagnostic marker…

Physical Assessment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: It Just May Work
A recent U.K. study assessed the use of the Perrin technique to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome based on five physical signs of disease. Overall, researchers found the accuracy of diagnosis by allied health professionals was highest when using tests for only two signs: tender coelic plexus and postural/mechanical disturbances of the thoracic spine…
A Rose by Any Other Name: Why clinicians & patients prefer the term myalgic encephalomyelitis & other updates on chronic fatigue syndrome
A session at the FOCIS 2017 meeting examined the current challenges and understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, in the hope of stimulating new approaches to deciphering the disease’s mechanistic and immunological underpinnings…

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Redefined
A report from the Institute of Medicine that gives new diagnostic criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and recommends a new name for the disorder received mixed reviews from rheumatologists and other physicians.1 “Diagnosing ME/CFS often is a challenge … the new diagnostic criteria will make it easier for clinicians to recognize and accurately…