Hepatitis-C virus (HCV)-associated arthritis is highlighted this month in our ongoing series on patient education materials.
Go Digital
Rheumatologists’ recommendations for choosing an electronic medical record
Clinician Call to Action
Use teamwork, screening, and scheduling to improve efficiency—and patient care
Coding Corner Question
March’s Coding Challenge
Physical Intimacy, Sex, and Rheumatic Disease
Sexuality is like the crazy auntie in every family. Everyone knows she’s part of the family, and she’s there at all the gatherings, but no one wants to talk about her, or to her,” says Amye Leong, MBA, of a subject she’s very passionate about: sexual experience and the rheumatology patient. Leong is the speaker for the April 17 ARHP audioconference.
Professional Partners
Rheumatologists and nurse practitioners team up to improve workflow and patient care
Target Remission
Strategies to identify and track remission in your RA patients
A Day in the Life of Gay Kuchta, OT
Treating children with rheumatologic diseases takes a unique approach. “You shouldn’t treat them as little adults,” says Gay Kuchta, OT, who works in pediatrics at the Mary Pack Arthritis Program at Vancouver Hospital in British Columbia. “They take special consideration.”
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from A&R and AC&R
Neck Pain Patient Fact Sheet
This month we focus on neck pain, a common ailment that affects 10% of the population each year. In some cases the ailment is due to systemic illnesses such as polymyalgia rheumatica or osteoarthritis, but the majority of cases are caused by mechanical disorders such as overuse of the neck or arms.