Experts addressed how education and follow-up for patients with gout can improve disease management and highlighted the need for a better construction of gout remission.

Break Barriers: Engaging Diverse Participants in Clinical Trials for Patients with Lupus
Misinformation, fear and not having a trusted partner in the medical sector are just a few of the barriers that prevent patients of color from being adequately represented in research and clinical trials for lupus. Experts and patient advocates addressed how to remove these barriers and more during the 2023 ACR Diversification of Clinical Trials Summit.

Patient Education Materials for Non-English Speakers
Recently, the Vasculitis Foundation, in collaboration with a group of physicians and vasculitis investigators in the U.S. and Latin America (i.e., Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina), launched an educational series of videos in Spanish called, Aprendiendo de Vasculitis. “The goal of these videos is to provide education to all Spanish-speaking patients,” explains Sebastian E….
A Quick Reference Guide to Patient Education Materials on Gout
The following websites offer an abundance of options to help your patients understand their disease and learn to live with it. Several sites offer information in various languages, and for your patients who prefer audio-visual to print, one site has several educational videos. The ACR—Diseases and Conditions: Gout (Web page or PDF available in English…

Rheumatology Health Educators Educate & Empower Patients
As a health educator at Integrative Rheumatology, a private practice in Charlotte, N.C., Latisha Williams, MPH, CHES, CHC, works with patients to teach them how to better manage their disease. In the two-and-a-half years that Ms. Williams has worked at Integrative Rheumatology, she’s answered countless questions about exercise, nutrition and complementary therapies, among other topics. “Patients…

Intensive Patient Education May Not Be Helpful for Acute Low Back Pain
Education with recommended first-line care may not improve pain outcomes in patients with acute low back pain. When comparing patients who received education with those who received professional consultation without information or advice, researchers found patient education was no more effective than placebo at reducing depression or incidence of chronic low back pain…

The Impact of Pharma Info vs. Neutral Info on Patients’ Drug Decisions
Patients who reviewed an industry-sponsored booklet about a commonly used rheumatoid arthritis drug were twice as likely to choose the proposed therapy as were patients who reviewed similar decision-aid material presented in a neutral manner, according to a recent study. Richard Martin, MD, MA, professor of medicine, rheumatology, at Michigan State University College of Human…

Patient Education Videos Help Them Understand & Manage Their Disease
Videos designed to help patients understand and manage chronic rheumatologic diseases can lead to gains in clarity about the disease duration, symptoms, medications, and the importance of regular visits with a physician. A study published in a recent issue of Arthritis Care & Research looks at the development and impact of three educational videos for…
Program May Prevent Work Loss for Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
Within 10 years of diagnosis, 23–45% of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease may become unemployed due to disease-related disability. Intervention programs may be necessary to prevent this work loss. New research examined if a vocational rehabilitation program delivered by occupational and physical therapists can benefit this patient population…

Video Education: Patient Outreach Effort Offers Education about Cardiovascular Risks
Experts in rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular health and education have joined forces to create a video intervention designed to help patients understand their risks for heart attack and stroke, as well as how to reduce these risks. Early research into this educational intervention shows the video is effective…