NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Many patients with arthritis lack the knowledge to use their biologic treatments safely, researchers from France report. “Some patients are at risk of poorly managing their biologic therapy, especially patients living alone, in a large city, patients with low education level, or (patients who are) unemployed,” Dr. Anne-Christine Rat from CHU de…

Tips for Educating Patients in the Age of Biologics
Patient education has always been at the core of the nursing profession. Nurses pride themselves on being great teachers and patient advocates. When self-injectable biologics were first introduced to the market, one of the main goals was to make patients independent and put them in the driver’s seat of their own care. Yet without a…
Online Tool Helps RA Patients Make Informed Decisions
Should you escalate care to a biologic? Many RA patients find this decision difficult and may need extra support and education to come to an informed decision. A recent study on this issue tested the value of a Web-based interactive decision support tool, which was developed with patient and physician input. After eight weeks, patients using the tool showed a measurable increase in the objective and subjective knowledge needed for making an informed decision compared with standard care…
Patients Don’t Realize Smoking Worsens Inflammatory Bowel Disease
(Reuters Health)—Doctors know smoking can increase the risk for certain common inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), but many patients haven’t gotten the message, a new study suggests. Out of 239 patients with two common types of IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) only half were aware of the smoking risks associated with these conditions. “The take-home…
How Rheumatologists Can Boost Patient Understanding of Educational Materials
Choosing appropriate, pre-written disease fact sheets, or writing your own educational documents can help patients with low health literacy comprehend information about their condition
Joint Smart Coalition Takes on Psoriasis in New York City
The Arthritis Foundation and the National Psoriasis Foundation launched the Joint Smart Coalition to focus on patient education, resources, and outreach. At a coalition-sponsored community-outreach event at Queens College in Flushing, N.Y., attendees were provided information on setting goals, stretching techniques, easy exercises, treatment options, and tips for a healthy lifestyle. (posted Dec. 13)
Lupus Survey Finds Gap in Communication
Patients downplay symptoms to friends, family, and doctors
Patient Fact Sheet: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Several types of arthritis fall under the JIA heading. This inflammation begins before patients reach the age of 16 years, and may involve one or many joints and cause other symptoms such as fevers, rash, and eye inflammation.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a relatively common cause of widespread aching and stiffness in older adults. PMR can overlap with another rheumatic disease called giant cell arteritis, and symptoms of the two conditions can occur at the same time or separately. (See p. 12 of the March 2008 issue for more on giant cell arteritis.) The typical symptoms of PMR include aching and stiffness around the upper arms, neck, lower back, buttocks, and thighs. Symptoms tend to develop quickly over a period of several days or weeks, and occasionally even overnight.
Health Information Explosion
Don’t be blown away by online medical information – use it to your advantage