Research & patients reap benefits when patients with rheumatic conditions get involved in patient-facing organizations & in clinical research planning.
1949 was a momentous year—astronomer Fred Hoyle coined the term Big Bang, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed, and Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical South Pacific opened on Broadway.1 Much less recognized was the publication of an essay by Richard Asher, FRCP, titled the “Seven Sins of Medicine.”2 Although it’s over 75 years…
PHILADELPHIA—“My symptoms started in the final year of medical school, and at that stage I believed I was strong enough to fight my condition,” said Shung Ming Chiu, MD, in a poster presentation at ACR Convergence 2022. “Later, I realized that it’s not [about] fighting [but] rather accepting it and adapting to the new normal….
This September marks the ACR’s fifth annual Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month (RDAM), which is designed to build support and advocate for patients with rheumatic diseases. This year’s theme, “My disease may be invisible, but I’m not,” emphasizes patients’ personal experiences…
In a national survey of more than 1,500 Americans with rheumatic disease, more than half reported struggling to access affordable care and nearly two-thirds described challenges performing simple daily tasks.
(Reuters Health)—Patients who have real-time video visits with their primary care providers instead of in-person exams are generally satisfied with the convenience and quality of their checkups, a new study suggests. There’s a lot about these telemedicine visits that can sound appealing: no need to get stuck in traffic on the way to the doctor;…
As part of the Rheumatology Research Foundation’s Visibility Initiative, the Rheum Life campaign was developed as a way to share a patient’s perspective of what life is like with a rheumatic disease. Rheum Life also provides insight into current Foundation-funded research and the impact it will have on the lives of these patients. Exposure to…