NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Even doctors and nurses don’t always follow the healthy lifestyle choices they recommend for patients to reduce the risk of medical problems, such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, a U.S. study suggests. Although rates of these conditions appeared lower among healthcare workers than other people, the diseases were still common. They…

Small Grants Fund Physical Activity to Combat OA
To increase access to community-based physical activity for arthritis patients, the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance has awarded funding to three programs designed to implement evidence-based physical activity programs and osteoarthritis education in their communities…
Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Should Exercise More, Sit Less
Physical activity can improve mobility, strength and bone health, reduce fall risk for patients with RA
Exercise Can Help Patients With Rheumatic Disease Live Well
Physical activity can decrease pain, reduce symptoms, aid flexibility, and improve mental outlook
Office Visit
Epidemiology makes a career of studying arthritis health disparities for Leigh Callahan, PhD