Many physicians struggle with work–life balance, and burnout is a growing professional concern. New research suggests professional coaching may effectively reduce emotional exhaustion in physicians and improve their quality of life…

Many physicians struggle with work–life balance, and burnout is a growing professional concern. New research suggests professional coaching may effectively reduce emotional exhaustion in physicians and improve their quality of life…
Lisa Rapaport |
(Reuters Health)—Physician Compare, a U.S. website created to help patients find high-quality doctors, is missing so much information on individual providers that it may not be helpful, a new study suggests. Quality reporting has been a work in progress for almost three decades since a landmark 1999 report from the Institute of Medicine, ‘To Err…
Eli M. Miloslavsky, MD, & Jakob I. McSparron, MD |
Think back to your time as a trainee. Do you remember an interaction with a consultant in which you learned something, felt your opinion was heard, were empowered to collaborate with the consulting team and knew you were providing outstanding care? We suspect a number of examples come to mind, regardless of the amount of…
No matter where you practice, rheumatology clinics are extremely busy. And in that hustle and bustle we find an uncomfortable jostling of priorities between delivering optimal care for as many patients as possible and upholding education for teachers and learners at all levels. Because salary usually comes from seeing more and more patients, teaching is…
It happens every day. A new email pops up in a researcher’s in-box from a journal with a seemingly familiar name and an invitation to publish a research paper, present at a meeting or, perhaps, serve on an editorial board. Like many of her colleagues, Marian Hannan, DSc, MPH, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical…
On Nov. 5, more than 100 students and residents gathered for the Rheumatology Research Foundation’s Student and Resident Experience at the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in San Diego. As part of the Foundation’s work to increase the number of rheumatology professionals in the U.S., the event is designed to increase excitement in the field. Attendees enjoyed…
Take the challenge. 1. B—No. CPT 99358, prolonged evaluation and management service can be billed before or after direct patient care, first hour or 99539 —each additional 30 minutes (list separately in addition to code for prolonged service). This code cannot be used to bill a higher level E/M visit code. According to 2017 CPT:…
1. A 68-year-old new female patient has an appointment to see the rheumatologist in four days. The patient has her medical records sent over from her primary care physician, neurologist and endocrinologist for the rheumatologist to review prior to the visit. Upon receipt, the rheumatologist spends 55 minutes reviewing the records and making notes. Can…
Elizabeth Hofheinz, MPH, Med |
It’s one thing for a developing country to lack physicians due to a scarcity of training. It’s quite another for such a vacuum to exist because the physicians were executed. In Cambodia in the 1970s, genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge spared few of the educated class. If they were spared, chances were they lost…
All day, technology dings and beeps, phones buzz, staff members need just a moment of your time, and personal issues linger in the back of your mind. With all of the interruptions and potential distractions that occur throughout a day, how do rheumatologists stay focused on patient encounters and work responsibilities? “Arriving at work early…