After 39 years in rheumatology practice, Herbert Baraf, MD, says, “Management has a great influence over the quality of practice.” Here are some tips for physician management…
A recent JAMA Pediatrics article found that 83% of clinicians admitted to coming to work while sick and 95% admitted to knowing that it could be dangerous for their patients.1 “The decision to work sick is shaped by systems-level and sociocultural factors,” the study authors wrote. In speaking with rheumatologists on the matter, I found…
The boy who could not walk: S.L. is a previously healthy 10-year-old boy who has not walked for three months. Physical examination reveals swollen wrists, knees, ankles and several toes. There is reduced hip range of motion and flexion contractures of both knees. He can stand with assistance, but is unable to take a single…
Telling an employee that they need to improve does not conjure up warm, fuzzy feelings. In fact, many employers dread it and may get gun shy. After all, an employee could take it the wrong way, and the constructive criticism could be ill received. “This is a legitimate fear, because many people have given constructive…
The diverse generations that are now a part of the work environment have unique perspectives and professional needs, and this holds true for rheumatology practices. Furthermore, senior and junior physicians have different work styles and needs. To succeed in this new era, both groups will have to learn from each other to make a practice successful and efficient. Here are a few tips to help.