Imagine you have received a remittance for patient John Doe for charge 99214 in the amount of $69.89. Your billing staff reconciles the money and updates the account. Would you consider this a successful reimbursement? If so, it may surprise you to know you have just been underpaid by $20 because the correct fee schedule was $89.89.
Do You E-Prescribe—or Just Think You Do?
You’ve bought an electronic medical record (EMR) with e-prescribing capabilities or stand-alone e-prescribing software and are enjoying the benefits of seamlessly writing a computer-generated prescription. Prescriptions are forwarded to the pharmacy where they enter the computer system exactly as they were sent. After all, that’s the benefit of e-prescribing, right?
Collect Co-pays, Deductibles, and Co-insurance Every Time
Do you know how many patients leave physician practices without paying their co-pays? The number is startling, and the cost for rheumatology practices is substantial.
Systematically Improve Practice Operations Performance
Imagine coming into your practice one morning to discover that your entire staff has quit. There are no two-week notices, no leaves of absence, and no one has stuck around to answer your questions—they all just walk out the door.
Bring a New Partner Into Your Rheumatology Practice
The professional relationship between partners in a joint medical practice is sometimes compared with a marriage. The partners must work under the same roof, share the same goals, and strive to make the practice as successful as it can be. Here are some tips for adding a new partner to your practice.