Researchers and physician-scientists often need practical advice for getting their work published. Here are insights into how to select an appropriate publication, manage co-author relationships and more from a panel of experts in both rheumatology and publishing.
Thick Skin & Solid Research: Necessary Ingredients for Publishing Success
Scientific publishing requires a commitment to clear writing, concise narratives and a willingness to accept feedback. Daniel Solomon, MD, editor-in-chief of Arthritis & Rheumatology, provides insights into his experiences.
The Third Choice: The Predatory Journal Scam
“Greetings of the day!” My email account used to be flooded by these cheerful salutations, referring to me as an esteemed colleague or a thought leader. I have to admit: at first, I enjoyed receiving these messages. Normally, when I log into my email account, I’m greeted by messages—punctuated by red, capital letters—that announce dire…
Tips for Navigating Your First Medical Faculty Job
CHICAGO—Throughout medical training, you have guideposts and guardrails all around you: academic advisors, professors in the classroom, preceptors in the clinic during residency. But once you get a job as a medical faculty member, you’re basically on your own. “No one really trains you or teaches you about how you’re supposed to negotiate and navigate…
Predatory Publishing: Know the Difference Between a Financial Scheme and Scholarly Dissemination
It happens every day. A new email pops up in a researcher’s in-box from a journal with a seemingly familiar name and an invitation to publish a research paper, present at a meeting or, perhaps, serve on an editorial board. Like many of her colleagues, Marian Hannan, DSc, MPH, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical…