In a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials, Maassen et al. demonstrated that 40% of patients with early RA or undifferentiated arthritis experienced disease flare after primary glucocorticoid discontinuation despite background treatment with conventional synthetic DMARDs.
Patterns of Arthritis Flare
Similar patterns of inflammation occur in the joints of patients with inflammatory arthritis, but in each individual, arthritis affects only a subset of possible anatomic areas. Chang et al. set out to identify patient-specific anatomic patterns of joint flare to distinguish local from systemic drivers of chronic disease.
Does Switching from IV to Subcutaneous Tocilizumab Affect RA Disease Flare?
Researcher identified multiple factors for flare, including non-use of methotrexate, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had switched from intravenous (IV) tocilizumab to subcutaneous tocilizumab.
Predictors of RA Flare After Total Joint Arthroplasty
At the time of total joint arthroplasty, RA disease activity has been shown to better predict postoperative flare than medication management…
ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting 2012: Late-Breaking Abstracts Bring Newer Research to the Forefront
Studies addressing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) flares, a potential new drug for psoriatic arthritis, and a novel agent in the treatment of active RA are among the highlights