Multi-system diseases have unique challenges. And Dr. Aryeh Fischer says that when treating patients with interstitial lung disease, pulmonologists and rheumatologists must better understand “how we [both] approach our shared diseases.”

Multi-system diseases have unique challenges. And Dr. Aryeh Fischer says that when treating patients with interstitial lung disease, pulmonologists and rheumatologists must better understand “how we [both] approach our shared diseases.”
Investing in a healthcare tech startup can be tempting for rheumatologists looking for a change of pace. Here are a few insights on the risks and benefits of investing…
According to a new report, rheumatology remains one of the lowest-paid specialties in medicine—despite an average pay increase of 12% over the past year. And only 44% of rheumatologists would choose the field again. Anne Bass, MD, says administrative red tape and other factors contribute to the lack of satisfaction…
Timothy Harrington, MD, Erin Arnold, MD, William Arnold, MD, David Sikes, MD, Gary Crump, MD, James Bower, MPA, & Drew Johnson, MS, MBA |
In 2008, the American College of Rheumatology Workforce Study Advisory Group published a comprehensive rheumatology workforce analysis.1 It concluded: Based on assessment of supply and demand under current scenarios, the demand for rheumatologists is expected to exceed supply in the coming decades. Strategies for the profession to adapt to this changing health care landscape include…
The number of scientific articles retracted increased 10-fold between 1988 and 2008 (from 0.002% in the early 1980s to 0.02% in 2005–2009), according to a paper published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.1 The authors did note that the number of articles listed in Medline each year has also increased over time, from approximately 300,000…
San Francisco is known for the Gold Rush, so it’s a particularly fitting place to collect a gold nugget. And so at the 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in the Golden Gate City in November, the ACR and the ARHP honored a group of distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to rheumatology research, education and…
Khushboo Sheth, MBBS, & Christopher Scola, MD |
Musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound is a valuable imaging modality for the practicing rheumatologist and provides an efficient tool with high diagnostic value in the evaluation of patients with musculoskeletal complaints. The use of MSK ultrasound has evolved in the U.S. due to the emergence of less-expensive, portable ultrasound units, which provide high-quality gray-scale and power Doppler…
From the College |
“Each project adds new knowledge that brings us a little closer to the cure,” Joan Bathon, MD, of Columbia University Medical Center, says of the Rheumatology Research Foundation’s 8th Annual Investigators’ Meeting in San Diego. Dr. Bathon was one of more than 30 investigators who presented the latest progress on research funded by the Foundation’s…
Matthew L. Mundwiler, MD, & Robert H. Shmerling, MD |
Imagine you’ve just heard a compelling presentation urging all ACR members to contribute to RheumPAC, the ACR’s political action committee. RheumPAC’s mission is to support politicians who support issues important to rheumatologists. You are impressed by the role RheumPAC has played in a number of issues you support. Just as you’re writing a check, you…
Telling an employee that they need to improve does not conjure up warm, fuzzy feelings. In fact, many employers dread it and may get gun shy. After all, an employee could take it the wrong way, and the constructive criticism could be ill received. “This is a legitimate fear, because many people have given constructive…