RheumPAC contributions enable the ACR to educate key legislators and their staff about the critical issues rheumatologists and rheumatology care team members face.
As the new administration enacts policies that impact you and the care you provide to your patients, RheumPAC is working to inform key lawmakers of the downstream effects of these unilateral actions. Learn more about RheumPAC’s role in the ACR’s advocacy efforts.
There’s still time to contribute and attend RheumPAC’s event at ACR Convergence 2024. If you haven’t yet made your 2024 donation, this is the best time to do so—thanks to generous champions, every contribution will be amplified.
As you make your plans to attend ACR Convergence 2024, keep in mind that the ACR advocacy team will host several events and programs throughout the week. If you have any questions, get in touch with our team at [email protected]. RheumPAC Lounge & Donor Event Investing in RheumPAC is a great way to support the…
The virtual event on Sept. 18 will include a guided art project, refreshments and a featured guest. All contributions will support pro-rheumatology lawmakers.
Registration for ACR Convergence 2024 is now open, and RheumPAC is thrilled to announce exciting perks for 2024 supporters during the conference. Contributors will have access to the RheumPAC Lounge, where they can enjoy refreshments and chat with RheumPAC Committee members and ACR staff. ACR staff are also finalizing plans for this year’s RheumPAC donor…
In an election year, it is critical that the ACR’s non-partisan political action committee be well positioned to support our congressional champions. Learn more about RheumPAC and its role in the ACR’s advocacy efforts.
2024 is an election year, which means it is more critical than ever that RheumPAC is well equipped to support campaigns and take part in important healthcare discussions on Capitol Hill.