With her combined expertise in rheumatology and informatics, Dr. Yazdany is leading the ACR’s Registries and Health Information Technology Committee to create a national health IT infrastructure that advances rheumatology practice.
The Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness (RISE) registry is a constantly evolving resource, and many valuable offerings are being made available at the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in Chicago. Here’s a list of things you won’t want to miss: RISE Booth in the Discovery Center Join RISE at the ACR Discovery Center inside the exhibit…
During the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, the ACR’s Registry Team will hold a RISE user group meeting to showcase the innovative, new RISE dashboard, designed to help maximize your performance scores for MIPS submission. We welcome current RISE users to share their experiences thus far and to be part of the improvement process as we…
David I. Daikh, MD, PhD, & Sandra Mintz, MSN, RN-BC |
The ACR and the ARHP have a long, rich history of collaboration, spanning close to 25 years together. Our predecessors saw the value of an interprofessional team and having an organization that brings together a vast number of constituencies. The result was these two organizations coming together in 1994 when the ARHP became a division…
With the increasing use of electronic health records and quality measure reporting requirements, data collection has become crucial for rheumatologists. But how do clinicians prevent human error and ensure data accuracy?
It seems like yesterday I was asked to write my first presidential column, and here I am penning my last. It’s incredible how fast the time goes and yet how much gets done. That progress is made possible by the dedicated and talented group of ACR volunteers and staff. This year, the College has had…