A key question many graduating rheumatology fellows face each year is: Are you interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine or in private practice? Although the two tracks are not mutually exclusive, it is true that juggling the demands of scholarly work, medical education and a busy clinical workload is by no means easy….
Rheumatology Research Foundation Scholarships Help Students Attend ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Seven students pursuing rheumatology-related careers will head to San Francisco in November on a Student and Resident ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting Scholarship—awards that are open to students and residents from states that are underserved by rheumatology professionals. The Rheumatology Research Foundation has awarded the students $750–1,500 toward travel expenses and registration for the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting,…
Annual Meeting Travel Scholarship Offered to Fellows-in-Training
The ACR will soon be accepting applications for the Fellows-in-Training (FIT) Travel Scholarship, which gives fellows-in-training the opportunity to experience the 2010 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting. Through the scholarship program, rheumatology fellows can network and learn from other fellows-in-training. In addition to free meeting registration, fellows-in-training will be provided support for five nights’ accommodations, airfare, and ground transportation, and will receive an invitation to attend—with their program directors—a fellow’s reception.