New state legislatures face many continuing issues, including budget shortfalls, vaccine distribution problems and strained healthcare infrastructure. However, opportunities exist for significant policy wins for rheumatology, particularly on the issues of step therapy reform, telemedicine and copay accumulators.
ACR Hill Visits Yield Key Bill Support; Plus Medicare, Biosimilar Wins
Greetings from Washington, D.C., where ACR leaders just held more than 100 meetings on Capitol Hill supporting reforms to step therapy and prior authorization, increased reimbursement for dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), solutions to the rheumatology workforce shortage, and rheumatology-specific research at the Pentagon. We’re already hearing great news about our successes: Hours after our visit,…
State Step Therapy Laws: Not All Are Created Equal
Step therapy reform has been a hot topic and major focus of the ACR’s advocacy activity in states this legislative session. Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin and Florida are all considering step therapy bills that stand good chance of passing this legislative year. Virginia and Georgia have already passed step therapy laws. When these two new laws…

Advocacy in Action: How the ACR Is Working for You
Out of the turmoil of 2018 came a number of significant victories for the rheumatology field, all of which are thanks to the ACR’s volunteers, who spearheaded communication with policymakers. We are thrilled to share these successes and look forward to working with you in an even more productive 2019 (view this larger on our…

Texas Rheumatologists Push for Passage of Step Therapy Reforms
On May 25, with Gov. Greg Abbott’s signing of Senate Bill 680, Texas became the fourth state this year to increase protection for patients subject to insurers’ step therapy protocols. The State of Texas Association of Rheumatologists (STAR) joined with 35 other professional societies and patient advocacy organizations in urging passage of S.B. 680. The…