Toll-like receptors play an important role in host defense. TLR-7 recognizes viral ssRNA, but also plays a role in the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Genetic ablation of a similar receptor, TLR-9, results in opposite effects, with severe disease and kidney involvement. The mechanism of how this works remains unknown. Anna-Marie Fairhurst, PhD, from…
FOCIS 2015: Key Protein Found to Control Trafficking of Toll-like Receptors
Gregory Barton, PhD, professor of immunology and pathogenesis, University of California, Berkeley, talked about research on the innate immune system and a key protein involved in the trafficking of a subset of toll-like receptors (TLRs) during FOCIS 2015 in San Diego. To keep the body healthy, the immune system responds constantly to foreign cellular invaders…
Gadolinium Compounds Provide Insights into Pathogenesis of Fibrosing Diseases
Toll-like receptors appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of fibrotic disorders including nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and systemic sclerosis.