BALTIMORE—2022 was an exciting year in the field of vasculitis, not least of all because the ACR and EULAR released classification criteria for several forms. This development came just one year after the release of ACR/Vasculitis Foundation (VF) guidelines on the management of a number of vasculitides. With so much new information to be absorbed,…
Michael B. Brenner, MD, addresses exciting advances in basic science in rheumatology, including insights into inflammation in osteoarthritis, the adult-onset autoinflammatory syndrome VEXAS and more.
A large, international team of rheumatologists, geneticists, hematologists and other researchers has discovered a severe inflammatory syndrome linked to an acquired genetic mutation in the bone marrow of older men. The X-linked syndrome, they found, is caused by a somatic mutation in myeloid stem cells that hobbles the master regulator of a pathway tasked with…