ARHP volunteer leaders discuss benefits of committee service
Teaching Rheumatology in Haiti
Rheumatologist Ronald J. Anderson, MD, describes volunteer experience with medical residents, teaching rheumatology
Rheumatologist Finds ACR Volunteer Work Enriching Professionally and Personally
Kelly Weselman, MD, has advanced her clinical practice, improved her marketing skills, and advocated for rheumatology while working on ACR committees
Volunteering Is Informative—and Fun
A former ACR board of directors member chronicles his interpretation of the activities of the board over the past three years, highlighting issues that are likely on the minds of ACR members.
A Productive Year Ahead
Rheumatologists face challenges and unique opportunities in the coming year
Welcome New ACR and ARHP Leaders
The ACR is pleased to welcome the newest members of the ACR board of directors and ARHP executive committee. These new members were confirmed in November during the 2011 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting. Over the next two issues of “From the College,” you will be introduced to these new members and learn what they want to gain from their experience as new board and executive committee members.
REF Volunteer Brings Passion for Communicating to New Program
When the ACR REF recently sent out a call for volunteers for the newly created From the Field speakers’ bureau, Alan W. Friedman, MD, responded right away. “It’s exactly what I’ve been doing all along,” he says. “I want to bring my enthusiasm for the cause to other people.”
Journey from Early Career Grant Recipient to Preceptor
Elaine Husni, MD, MPH, knew from an early age that she wanted to be a doctor. Along the way, she relied on the support of mentors and the ACR Research and Education Foundation Awards and Grants program to help establish her career in rheumatology, eventually landing her in her current role as the department vice chair for the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Center at the Cleveland Clinic.
Shape the Future of ARHP
Volunteering can increase perceived self-efficacy, self-esteem, and positive affect, which all can result in enhanced psychological health. Volunteering leads to the opportunity for social interaction or networking many times with individuals with whom you normally would not interact. A 2009 article found that 20% of the volunteers in their study stated that their health had improved since volunteering and that nearly 30% stated that their lives in general were improved in relation to their volunteering. The association between volunteering and greater health and happiness is a definite plus to volunteering in a professional organization such as the ARHP.
Advance Rheumatology: Volunteer for the ACR
Under the ACR’s new strategic plan, the mission of the ACR is advancing rheumatology, and the new vision is to enhance the value and impact of rheumatology in a changing healthcare environment. These cannot be achieved without the time, effort, talent, and experience of its volunteer leadership and committee members.