Volunteering can increase perceived self-efficacy, self-esteem, and positive affect, which all can result in enhanced psychological health. Volunteering leads to the opportunity for social interaction or networking many times with individuals with whom you normally would not interact. A 2009 article found that 20% of the volunteers in their study stated that their health had improved since volunteering and that nearly 30% stated that their lives in general were improved in relation to their volunteering. The association between volunteering and greater health and happiness is a definite plus to volunteering in a professional organization such as the ARHP.
Advance Rheumatology: Volunteer for the ACR
Under the ACR’s new strategic plan, the mission of the ACR is advancing rheumatology, and the new vision is to enhance the value and impact of rheumatology in a changing healthcare environment. These cannot be achieved without the time, effort, talent, and experience of its volunteer leadership and committee members.
ARHP Member Serves as an Olympic Torch Bearer
The 2010 Winter Olympics were held in Vancouver last month, and ARHP member Lori Cyr, BSc, OT, was chosen as a torchbearer for the Olympic Torch Relay.
A Sobering Reality in Sierra Leone
Trip to focus on lupus takes on another purpose
ARHP Leadership Opportunities
The ARHP is the premier professional organization for rheumatology health professionals primarily because of the talent and energy of its volunteers.
ARHP Angle: We Need a Few Good Leaders!
Flying back from Cincinnati, where I’d been attending a meeting of the ARHP Committee on Nominations, it occurred to me that some members might be intrigued by the process of how ARHP officers and committee and subcommittee chairs are selected. While I do realize that some members aren’t interested in the structural organization of ARHP, I know some may ask, “Why was she selected and not me?”
Mentoring Makes the World Go ‘Round
After a decade each of serving on many committees and presidential working groups, our work in the ARHP is not over. In fact, we have discovered that our educational and professional motivation to improve research and educate our students has nearly one hundred-percent overlap with the ongoing goals of the ARHP to support the graduate students and young investigators and to sponsor new members. The ARHP offers several opportunities for you to mentor a student, colleague, or non-member through the ARHP Graduate Student Award Program, the Member-Get-a-Member Campaign, and the REF grants programs for health professionals.
Graduate Student Award Mentors Needed
Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a graduate student?
Communications Line to the Top
The Affiliate Society Council brings local concerns to the ACR leadership
Hard Work Behind the Scenes
My first ACR board meeting gives an insider’s view